Thank You For Your Service Exhibit 3

Thank You For Your Service

This exhibit is the largest permanent exhibit in the Milford Museum. As a “thank you” to all those who served in any branch of the American military, the Thank You For Your Service exhibit attempts to chronicle the lives of all Milfordians who served. Starting with the American Revolution with John Haslet, visitors can make their way through each war, up until modern day.

Thank You For Your Service includes memorabilia from different military eras, displaying uniforms, weapons, and other artifacts from different conflicts. Also on display are photographs, newspapers, and various paper documents. Visitors can also discover how Milfordians were affected by war at home.

For this exhibit, museum staff have created notebooks to include photographs and information about individuals who served in the military. These books encapsulate the legacy of the brave Milfordian men and women from all branches of service, even if they were not born and raised in Milford.