American History Lecture Series

Please join the Milford Museum as we bring a new American History series to the Milford area.  These monthly programs will focus on a variety of topics concerning local, state, and national history.  Programs will be held at the Milford Library the second Saturday of the month at 1:00 pm.  [Except for the first program which will be held the first Saturday of July.]]

Saturday July 1 – The Story of the Declaration of Independence

Presenter Daniel Pritchett will focus on the story behind the creation of one of America’s most treasured documents, The Declaration of Independence.  Dan will present the background of how and why this famous document was created during a critical time of the American Revolution.  Included in this program will be information about the men who gathered in Philadelphia to discuss America’s move to independence and how, in signing this document, they risked “our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”